Total Square: From doodles to discovery – 101 drawings to finish (Volume 2) by: Katja Vartiainen
This post was submitted by Katja Vartiainen
Description of Total Square: From doodles to discovery – 101 drawings to finish (Volume 2)
Want to draw, but don’t know how to start? You love doodling on the phone but need inspiration? Total Square is the second book in the series ‘From Doodles to Discovery’ and it offers you less talk and 101 no nonsense doodles to discover and finish the way you want to. For children from 8 years old up to adults, these sketches offer an easy starting point to get you drawing. Get creative!
You can challenge yourself by turning the page sideways or upside down. You can draw first, then you can continue by coloring your work! Total Square allows you to just get on with it and nourish the creative flame flickering inside you.
Easy way to take the first step in expressing yourself. A book full of possibilities. And you can finish by coloring your creations!
You can get a copy of this book on Amazon
Should you wish to, you can connect with the author Katja Vartiainen on Twitter.
So what do you think of Total Square: From doodles to discovery – 101 drawings to finish (Volume 2) by: Katja Vartiainen? Please leave a comment below. Also click on one of the icons below to share this page.
Before you leave, here are some downloadable pirate illustrations for children that you can print for FREE at home or in your local library. You can get their creative juices flowing right from this minute. So hesitate not and go get your copies now 😀