Sunday Snippet: ‘Reincarnation in a Nutshell. Why reincarnation is Real’ by Else Byskov

Today’s Sunday Snippet is from the New Age Book ‘Reincarnation in a Nutshell. Why reincarnation is Real’ by Else Byskov. Sunday Snippet: ‘Reincarnation in a Nutshell. Why reincarnation is Real’ by Else Byskov is a 129 paged book available as an ebook (ASIN: B07MNT3DX8) and a paperback (ISBN-13: 978-1792713989). It was co-written by Maria McMahon Read more about Sunday Snippet: ‘Reincarnation in a Nutshell. Why reincarnation is Real’ by Else Byskov[…]

List of websites to promote a book

Hello fellow authors and hello book lovers, hope you are all well today? Thanks for checking out my page. There I was scouring the net, looking for different ways to promote my books and I came upon this website that had a lovely list of websites to advertise on. If you are a book lover Read more about List of websites to promote a book[…]