Character Interview: Modern Day Fables by Jason Petersen and Aarti Patel

This week’s Character Interview is from the contemporary book Modern Day Fables by Jason Petersen and Aarti Patel. It was published by D2 Books and is currently only available as a Paperback (ISBN 978-0996775922, 05.08.16) and an eBook (Amazon ASIN B01FTBY9UG, 05.16.16). Modern Day Fables by Jason Petersen and Aarti Patel is aimed at readers Read more about Character Interview: Modern Day Fables by Jason Petersen and Aarti Patel[…]

Sunday Snippet: Acne: Just Another Four-Letter Word by Aarti Patel

Today’s Sunday Snippet is from the health, self-help, educational, inspirational book Acne: Just Another Four-Letter Word by Aarti Patel. It was published by D2 Books and is currently available as a Paperback, ISBN 978-0996775915, published on 07.19.18 and an eBook, ASIN B07FPMBDBX, published on 07.18.18. Acne: Just Another Four-Letter Word by Aarti Patel is suitable Read more about Sunday Snippet: Acne: Just Another Four-Letter Word by Aarti Patel[…]