Sunday Snippet: ‘Reincarnation in a Nutshell. Why reincarnation is Real’ by Else Byskov

Today’s Sunday Snippet is from the New Age Book ‘Reincarnation in a Nutshell. Why reincarnation is Real’ by Else Byskov. Sunday Snippet: ‘Reincarnation in a Nutshell. Why reincarnation is Real’ by Else Byskov is a 129 paged book available as an ebook (ASIN: B07MNT3DX8) and a paperback (ISBN-13: 978-1792713989). It was co-written by Maria McMahon and in English and published on the 27th of December 2018.


Synopsis of ‘Reincarnation in a Nutshell. Why reincarnation is Real’ by Else Byskov

blog post cover art ebook picture Sunday Snippet: Reincarnation in a Nutshell. Why reincarnation is Real by Else ByskovWould it not be wonderful if we did not only live one life? Would it not be great to know that death was an illusion and that we lived on after our physical body had stopped functioning? If we could know that death was not the end of life, would that not make us much less worried or afraid, make us much more confident and happier? If we could simply with one stroke eliminate all fear of death, would that not give our lives a whole new meaning and perspective? This is what this book offers the reader.
Reincarnation in a Nutshell explains why reincarnation is much more than a belief. With mathematical precision the authors explain why reincarnation simply has to be factual and they present the reasoning, the logic and the evidence for this claim. They also explain how reincarnation takes place and what the master plan of life is. This book is your exit key from the one-life theory and with this new insight you will never doubt your own immortality. Your outlook on life will forever change when you realize that death is an illusion and that your consciousness cannot be extinguished.
The insight presented in this book originates from the spiritual science of Martinus, the Danish visionary and mystic. When he was 30, Martinus experienced an expansion of his consciousness which gave him cosmic consciousness. His work is the most profound spiritual revelation ever to have been disclosed to humankind.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Is Reincarnation more than Wishful Thinking?

Would it not be wonderful if we did not only live one life? Would it not be great to know that death
was an illusion and that we lived on after our physical body had stopped functioning? If we could
know that death was not the end of life, would that not make us much less worried or afraid, make
us much more confident and happier? If we could simply with one stroke eliminate all fear of death,
would that not give our lives a whole new meaning and perspective?
The point in time where we can say that reincarnation is much more than wishful thinking is
now. Now we have the evidence, the underlying theory and the logical basis for saying that we do
not only live one life. To us, the authors of this book, reincarnation is not a belief and it is not wishful
thinking. It is a fact. We have studied this theme for more than 20 years and there is not a shadow of
a doubt to us that we live on after the death of the physical body. We are also completely convinced
that we come back to the physical plane again and again. We have lived many lives before this one
and we are going to live many lives after this. Our present life is just one in a series of lives that we
live here on Earth. And in this book, we are going to present the arguments, the logic and the
evidence for these claims.
This small book is your exit key from the one-life theory. This book will make you see the
sublime logic in reincarnation, it will show you how reincarnation takes place and it will present the
evidence. It will reveal the reasons why it simply makes no sense to live only once. We are also going
to reveal where we go when we pass over, what happens there, and how we choose our new
parents. At the end of the book you are going to be convinced that you are an eternal being on an
everlasting journey through physical and spiritual realms in a universe where the basic tone is love.
There is one important point that we have to make here: When we reincarnate, we move
forward in evolution. This means that for each life we live, we become a better, wiser, more moral
and intelligent version of ourselves. We get a finer, more advanced and beautiful human body. It is
impossible to reincarnate into subhuman species such as rats, snakes or the like. This misconception
seems to flourish among eastern religions, but it is neither logical nor indeed possible to reincarnate
into species that are completely foreign to our own genetic basis. Even in the west, most people who
have not studied reincarnation, will associate it with ´coming back to Earth as a cat, dog or
whatever´. When you have read this book, you will know that this is not possible, and you will come
to understand that in your next life you will be a more evolved human being than you are in this life.


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