How to make a banana milkshake without any ice-cream

I woke up this morning with the inspiration to make a banana milkshake. You see, we had some bananas in the fridge that was a little bit soft and as someone who doesn’t like wastage of any sort, I decided to make a banana milkshake but without any ice-cream, as we didn’t have any at home.

RECIPE How to make a banana milkshake without any ice-cream BLOG POST COVER PICTURE IMAGE ART

RECIPE to make a banana milkshake without any ice-cream

My mother taught me how to cook not using exact measurements, so please adjust the quantities below to suit your taste buds. The quantities below are a guess as to what I used to make a banana milkshake without any ice-cream


2 bananas

250mls UHT milk (use whatever you like, whole, semi-skimmed or skimmed. I normally have semi-skimmed milk at home)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons Agave Nectar


1 minute


1 minute


Using my smoothie maker (you can use a blender or food processor if that’s what you have) I blended the milk, sugar, agave nectar and vanilla extract for around 10 seconds.

I then added in the bananas and blended for a few more seconds in bursts, possibly 30 seconds in total.

I poured in my daughter’s cup and breakfast was served.


The milkshake got my daughter’s thumbs-up sign of approval.

As someone who doesn’t like bananas, I found that the banana did not overpower the taste of the milkshake.


Last year we were gifted a bottle of Agave Nectar by the Groovy Food company. It has since become a staple in my kitchen. My daughter loves it on her pancakes.

I like it because it is 100% from the blue webber agave plant. I know that sugar comes from the sugar cane plant but I find that the agave nectar has so much more uses and helps us to control our sugar intake. AND, apparently, the agave nectar has 25% less calories than refined sugar!

When I next make a milkshake that doesn’t have my hated bananas, I think I am very likely going to miss out the sugar or at least use much less than I did with this recipe.

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What do you think of my banana milkshake recipe? What’s your favourite milkshake recipe? Please leave a comment below.

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