Editorial review of Abiku: A Battle Of Gods

Editorial review of Abiku: A Battle Of Gods

editorial review of abiku: a battle of gods by elizabeth salawu

Hey all,

If per chance you follow my blog regularly, you may remember seeing a post about the supernatural/paranormal/fantasy/erotic romance novella I wrote Abiku: A Battle Of Gods. Well last year, my book received an editorial review by an online literary magazine. In case you didn’t see it when I shared it on Twitter, I thought to post the review here.

If you are new to my blog, I wrote a novella for an adult audience under the pen name Elizabeth Salawu. It kinda reminds me of ‘Helen of Troy’ as two males, one mortal and one immortal are both in love with a female. The female, Dayo, wasn’t sure if she was mortal or immortal herself.

Editorial review by E Young for Luna Station Quarterly

Abiku starts off with a “dear reader”, to which I said out loud, “ooh, me?” and takes off from there. This is a short read, but don’t let that fool you–I was fully engaged the entire time, flipping each digital page with anticipation of where the story was going next.
I have to say my favorite thing about Abiku is Dayo herself. Dayo is interesting to me because…wait for it…we didn’t have much in common at all! She’s everything I wish I was at her age. In tune with herself! Exciting! Outgoing! Witty! Well, I can be witty, but. It’s not a bad thing to read protagonists much different from ourselves, in fact I loved living vicariously through her. She reminds me a bit of Alex from A Clockwork Orange (went there) when the narrative switches from being pensive and philosophical and then back to breezy, sometimes salacious storytelling.
Ah, the story. I was very happy to read something featuring Yoruba religious customs and myth, and Dayo guides us along without too much exposition but I also didn’t feel lost. And for personal reasons I get excited for anything involving Pidgin.

Now, as awesome as this book is it isn’t a read for everyone–it features sexual elements that make it a bit saucier than your average lunch break read (unless you can do that kind of thing where you are, then carry on). But I would say it was well integrated into the plot so as not to feel superfluous, and I appreciated the focus on Dayo learning who and what she truly is, and exploring her own desires.

You can read the full editorial review here.


You can download a FREE copy from my other website using coupon code ABIKU.

Abiku: A Battle Of Gods is also available for purchase on Amazon as well as any good book retailer.

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