Character Interview with Sid and a Giveaway Closing date: 30 Sept 2023 23:59

It’s another wet day in London today and I think it is the perfect time for a new book. In today’s blog post, I bring you an interview featuring one of the characters of the speculative fiction Spaghetti Head by Sarah Tyley. There’s also a giveaway to win a £20 Amazon Gift Card and two copies of Spaghetti Head. Read to the end for more information on how to enter the giveaway.

Please note that whilst Spaghetti Head is aimed at adults only it does not contain anything explicit.

Available Formats, ISBNs and date published

  1. Ebook ASIN B07BJK4SB6 March 18, 2018
  2. Paperback ASIN 1986751864 July 31, 2018


Synopsis of Spaghetti Head by Sarah Tyley

Spaghetti Head by Sarah Tyley (Author) book cover speculative fictionDo you ever feel like you can’t think straight: that you have a negative voice in your head, constantly talking, messing with your emotions? Spaghetti Head follows Nell Greene on her journey of self-discovery as she struggles to take control of her negative inner voice: SID. Under pressure to have a child in a post-disaster world, Nell needs to find a partner – but, as SID regularly reminds her, she is incapable of trust, so how is she ever going to fall in love, let alone persuade anyone to fall in love with her? Nell enrols at a state-of-the-art therapy centre where she explores her memories and fears in an attempt to take control of SID, learn to trust, and find love. SID, however, has other ideas.


Name of character to be interviewed:

SID (latterly known as Cyd)

Why was this character chosen for this interview?:

How often do destructive alter-egos get the opportunity to give an interview? Cyd leapt at the chance.

Question 1: What first made you want to appear in Sarah Tyley’s book?

Answer: Cyd: I didn’t want to appear in it! What clear-thinking alter-ego would ever want to be enrolled at a residential therapy-centre, and have all the details recorded in a book?

Question 2: So, how did you end up going to a therapy-centre?

Answer: Cyd: Because Nell went! Apparently, I was the root of all her problems, which I find hard to stomach seeing as I wouldn’t even exist if she hadn’t thought me up. Do you think it would have been my choice to be shoved away in a dark corner of someone’s mind only being allowed out to talk nonsense? Nell was informed by the planet’s governing body that she had to increase the crumbling global population by having a baby: or face severe consequences. Hilarious! Nell, having a baby was about as likely as rice growing on trees. For a start, it would mean she needed to get into a relationship, and stay in it – which would also mean she would need to trust someone, and that’s wasn’t going to happen this side of the next century. I persuaded Nell to refuse and face the consequences.

Question 3: How did the governing body react?

Answer: Cyd: They never found out. Nell’s interfering Mum got involved before Nell sent her reply to them. She persuaded Nell to use her ‘personal development’ credits at one of Scandinavia’s state-of-the-art therapy centres. Interfering Mum believed that with the right help, Nell would rid herself of me, (apparently the reason for all her problems. What a joke), meet a man, fall in love, have a baby and live happily ever after. Deluded, or what?

Question 4: Did you think therapy would help Nell?

Answer: Cyd: Absolutely not! I mean, what would happen to me if she got all ‘healed’? I may not like the dark dank recesses of her mind that I inhabit, but what’s my alternative? No way was I going to let her get rid of me!

Question 5: So what did happen?

Answer: Cyd: Miracles. It’s hard to describe really. Nell and I went on mad adventures inside her mind and met one another face to face and got so angry we tried to destroy one another and eventually laughed about it and cried and met other crazy people and she fell in love and Alice (Nell’s house robot) fell in love and I learnt to knit and I now live in a beautiful wood cabin with orange curtains and it was all bonkers-mad. Oh, but the best bit – I’m now Nell’s second-best-friend.


The Giveaway

Follow the instructions below for your chance to win one £20 Amazon Gift Card or one of two copies of Spaghetti Head.

If after reading the character interview you can’t wait to get a copy of Spaghetti Head, please click here to buy a copy on Amazon.

Sarah Tyley gift card and book giveaway


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