List of websites to promote a book

Hello fellow authors and hello book lovers, hope you are all well today? Thanks for checking out my page. There I was scouring the net, looking for different ways to promote my books and I came upon this website that had a lovely list of websites to advertise on. If you are a book lover Read more about List of websites to promote a book[…]

Partnership with Jigsaw4u

Jigsaw4u I believe that children are the future and as such we should do everything we can to nurture and protect them. Jigsaw4u is one such organisation that believes in the same thing. It is a UK based charity working to support children and young people through trauma, loss and bereavement. It brings together children Read more about Partnership with Jigsaw4u[…]

Amazon Prime Benefits

There numerous benefits to having Amazon Prime, see below for some.

When I shop for nappies for my little assistant using subscribe and save, Amazon has hands down the best value for money.

That said, as an author and a book lover/reader, it is an essential service. As an author, when I enroll my book to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program, all those who have Prime membership and own a kindle tablet can read my book without paying anything extra. Another plus is that Amazon pays me a small amount for each page someone on Prime reads.

If you are not already on Prime, I recommend you sign up for the 30 day free trial. You have nothing to lose
