Segilola Salami was a guest on the A Conversation With Dawn Karima podcast

As any parent can tell you, time is not something I get free usually. When Dr Dawn Karima asked me to stop by her podcast, the A Conversation With Dawn Karima, WITH my little human, I just had to say yes. At first, I could not believe my ears. I assumed my podcast was the only one Read more about Segilola Salami was a guest on the A Conversation With Dawn Karima podcast[…]

Is it possible to juggle motherhood and a career as an author? Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Google Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Stitcher | Email | TuneIn | RSS | MoreMother of four and author, Leah Lindeman is today’s guest on The Segilola Salami Show. Leah shares with us how she’s managed to juggle motherhood and her new career as an Read more about Is it possible to juggle motherhood and a career as an author?[…]

3 tips on how to take care of your designer jeans

When I was a teenager (feels like a lifetime ago)  jeans were my go-to trousers. I remembered recently that I had once read that there are certain things one could do to extend the lifespan of their jeans, so when I got a request to share some handy tips provided by Trilogy Stores, stockists of Read more about 3 tips on how to take care of your designer jeans[…]

Sunday Snippet: If You Were Me and Lived in… Kenya by Carole P. Roman

Today’s Sunday Snippet is from the children’s book If You Were Me and Lived in… Kenya by Carole P. Roman. Happy reading  . . . 😀 About If You Were Me and Lived in… Kenya by Carole P. Roman Let’s travel to Kenya! Number five in this exciting series travels to Africa to learn about the thrilling Read more about Sunday Snippet: If You Were Me and Lived in… Kenya by Carole P. Roman[…]

4 Tips to keep your kids happy whilst travelling + win a Trunki Travel Pillow

Over the summer, we went home to Nigeria to get some well-deserved rest and relaxation. As a member of a couple of Facebook mummy groups, I know flying long haul with a toddler would be no walk in a park. So I thought I would share with you my 4 tips to keep your kids Read more about 4 Tips to keep your kids happy whilst travelling + win a Trunki Travel Pillow[…]

Opening chapter to Abiku: Mortal Combat

In Abiku: A Battle of Gods, the book starts with a “Dear Stranger”, so it is no surprise that Abiku: Mortal Combat will start off with a “Dear Diary” in the opening chapter. Happy reading! Opening Chapter Dear Diary, OMG you are like the bestest birthday present a girl could ask for. A lot of Read more about Opening chapter to Abiku: Mortal Combat[…]

Akin, god of thunder, Sango’s son, finally says something

I’m so excited, Akin, god of thunder, Sango’s son, has finally told me a part of his story in my upcoming Abiku: Mortal Combat. As I wrote in this post and this post about the characters speaking to me, Akin has been very cocky. He just smiles and says nothing. That was until this evening. Read more about Akin, god of thunder, Sango’s son, finally says something[…]


Make Believe are on the hunt across the UK to find more mums who want to earn an income with their own flexible hours and can still look after their children!   About Make Believe Founded by Joel Kern in 2004, Make Believe is a leading London children’s performing arts school with 50 schools in and around London, Read more about MAKE BELIEVE MUMS MEAN BUSINESS[…]

It is possible to succeed in both the publishing and music industry Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Google Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Stitcher | Email | TuneIn | RSS | MoreDr Dawn Karima is today’s guest on The Segilola Salami Show. As a multi award music and book winner, she shares her journey towards publishing and combining it with a music Read more about It is possible to succeed in both the publishing and music industry[…]

Sunday Snippet: Oh Susannah: Things That Go Bump by Carole P. Roman

Brrrr, it’s suddenly gotten chilly eh?! Well in London it has and I’ve been warming myself up with a mug bowl of hot chocolate. My little human, my sweetheart, knows her mind (I wonder who she gets that from ;)) She says to me “I want toastie and hot chocolate and two fried eggs”. Before Read more about Sunday Snippet: Oh Susannah: Things That Go Bump by Carole P. Roman[…]