Sunday Snippet: The Narratives by Vince Guaglione

Hello everyone, today’s Sunday Snippet is from the book The Narratives by Vince Guaglione. About The Narratives by Vince Guaglione The Narratives is a collection of short introspective essays written by an average guy in an effort to better understand himself, his life, and his relationship with the world around him while travelling the road of self-discovery. Read more about Sunday Snippet: The Narratives by Vince Guaglione[…]

See what the current economic situation has turned @HP and @SiteGround to

Last year, I thought about writing about a couple of companies that I felt were being very dodgy in their dealings but decided against it. However, it seems that more and more companies are changing their policies to the detriment of their customers. Should we blame this on the current economic situation? I try to not write Read more about See what the current economic situation has turned @HP and @SiteGround to[…]

Want to reduce the risk of someone sexually abusing your child? 5 things you need to do

The world is a sick place, FACT! As a parent, I am constantly looking for ways to equip my toddler to best handle this very sick world. Everywhere you turn online, there’s constant news about someone sexually abusing a child. That’s why I decided to write this short post to remind parents of how to arm Read more about Want to reduce the risk of someone sexually abusing your child? 5 things you need to do[…]

Do our choices affect our ability to lead well? Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Google Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Stitcher | Email | TuneIn | RSS | MoreAlicia “Reygn” Patterson and Rocco Romanella are today’s guests on The Segilola Salami Show. Alicia and Rocco share with us their individual journeys and how to the choices we make affect our ability to lead well. I Read more about Do our choices affect our ability to lead well?[…]

Should we be doing more to get more women in engineering?

Last week, I talked about women in space or rather the lack thereof. This week infographic that shares a lot a surprising stats, is about women in engineering. The lack of women in engineering isn’t really a surprise to me. Seeing hard facts that show the extent of the lack is what was surprising to me. Read more about Should we be doing more to get more women in engineering?[…]

Here’s why you need to buy a one-way ticket and set out on an adventure Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Google Podcasts | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Stitcher | Email | TuneIn | RSS | MoreMariuccia Milla is today’s guest on The Segilola Salami Show. Mariuccia shares with us how she set out on an adventure from immigrating to Italy in the 1980s and how it inspired her Read more about Here’s why you need to buy a one-way ticket and set out on an adventure[…]

I just had to write a review of the Black Panther movie

A couple of days ago, I finally went to see the Black Panther. At the end of the movie, I had a love-hate relationship with it. Whilst having a late lunch with my friend, who I went to see the movie with, she said the best way to look at the movie was to take Read more about I just had to write a review of the Black Panther movie[…]

Today’s Sunday Snippet is from the book Meet Me in Milano by Mariuccia Milla

About Meet Me in Milano by Mariuccia Milla Meet Me in Milano is about a young architect who leaves her boyfriend and New York to look for a job and a new life in Milan, Italy. But her ex is not giving up so easily, and follows her there. The people they meet, the places Read more about Today’s Sunday Snippet is from the book Meet Me in Milano by Mariuccia Milla[…]

Wonder how you can turn your hobby into a small business? Here’s what a group of women did!

Last week, I wrote about a lady who turns rejected tyres into fashion accessories. This week, I connected with a group of women from X Plan Business who share how they started out and turned their hobbies into a small business. I hope it will inspire you to turn your hobby into a small business Read more about Wonder how you can turn your hobby into a small business? Here’s what a group of women did![…]

Women in space: Why we should be cultivating as much girls as boys

My greatest desire as a parent is to bring up a daughter who is capable beyond measure. A daughter whose only limit is her imagination. As an author, sometimes, I think I should really focus on books on my blog only but seriously that would be just a waste of my blogging space. Books, in Read more about Women in space: Why we should be cultivating as much girls as boys[…]