Turner Syndrome, what’s that?

A few days ago, I connected with another blogger via Twitter, and whilst browsing through their blog, I discovered a new medical condition that I knew nothing about. If like me, this is your first time hearing about Turner Syndrome, this guest post by Charli Dee should hopefully be a good starting point for you.

Introduction by Charli Dee

The year I graduated from middle school was quite a year. I was about to leave one school and start attending a new one. I welcomed a new member to my family. It was also the year I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome. Don’t know what Turner Syndrome is? Neither did I when I was diagnosed, which is not surprising. Turner Syndrome is a relatively rare condition, and not very well known.

What is Turner Syndrome?

guest post by Charli Dee What is Turner Syndrome?Turner syndrome is when a girl is born with one of her X chromosomes partially or fully missing (boys generally have an x and Y chromosome, while girls generally have two X chromosomes). Turner syndrome occurs in around 1 in 2,000 to 2,500 live female births (Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center). Around 99 of pregnancies where the fetus has Turner syndrome end in miscarriage (Stanford Children’s Health). I suppose that makes me a bit of a miracle baby, or so I like to think.


My Diagnosis

My Turner syndrome diagnosis didn’t come as a shock to me. Short stature is generally a symptom of Turner syndrome, and I have always been quite small for my age. Also, when I reached my teen years my female peers were already growing out of training bras and getting their menstruation. I had yet to show a single sign of even beginning puberty, another sign of Turner syndrome. My parents and my doctor started getting concerned, and my doctor took some tests. The rest is history. I may not have been surprised with my diagnosis, but I was disappointed. Growing up, I couldn’t wait for puberty. I used to read all about the changes my body would eventually go through, and couldn’t wait for them to happen. When I was diagnosed I found out I would not be able to go through puberty without hormone replacement therapy. I felt like an incomplete woman, having to take medication in order to get my body to do something most women’s bodies do naturally. To top it all off, I was told that women with Turner syndrome generally can not have children naturally, and I was likely no exception to that rule.


A Woman’s Worth

Beautiful was never really a word I used to describe myself. In fact, I’ve been called the exact opposite growing up. Needless to say, I am happy I’m an adult now, and past the bullying days. However, they say if you’re told something long enough, you’ll eventually start to believe it. In other words, what I was told by some of my peers, and the way I was treated by them, affected how I viewed myself, and still does in a way. Learning to embrace who I am has not been an easy journey, but I am improving my self-image one day at a time. I’ve learned that a woman’s chest and hip size do not determine how beautiful she is or her worth. I’ve learned that having to take hormones and being infertile does not make me a failure, or less of a woman.



Who knows why I was part of that small one percent of babies with Turner syndrome to make it through pregnancy? I just know I’d like to think that right now my purpose is to spread awareness and help all women feel comfortable in the skin their in. In a world where many people feel the need to change perceived imperfections, everyone deserves to know that they are perfect just the way they are.


About Charli Dee

Charli Dee is a blogger based in the United States. One focus of her blog is to share her experiences as a woman with Turner Syndrome. When she is not blogging, she enjoys spending time with family and friends. Please click here to visit Charli Dee’s blog.


3 thoughts on “Turner Syndrome, what’s that?

  • Charli and Segilola – thank you so much for publishing this blog.
    I have heard of Turner’s Syndrome. Someone I once worked with lost a baby who was diagnosed with it.
    Charli – I just want to give you a big virtual hug and to let you know that many women don’t have children for many different reasons but it doesn’t make you less of a woman. You are a great person just by being you. Spreading awareness takes great courage because it means putting alot of personal views and feelings out into the world. Well done. I’m off to find your blog x

  • Good information on Turner Syndrome and reading things from Charli’s point of view pulled at the heart strings.

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