February 23, 2021

Onboarding Page

Thank you for choosing to work with Segilola Salami and booking her services. To help her better understand your needs, please complete the form on this onboarding page as fully as possible. The more information you provide, the better able Segilola Salami is to meeting your needs.

There are 12 sections in the booking form. Only answer the questions for the service(s) you have booked and tick NO for the others.

List of services on this onboarding page

  1. Do you need me to write a post for you and publish it on my blog?
  2. Do you need me to publish a post you have written on my blog?
  3. Do you need me to add a link to your website on a post already existing on my blog?
  4. Do you need me to post tweets that you have written from my Twitter account?
  5. Did you book the BONUS offer?
  6. Do you need me to write a Press Release for you?
  7. Do you need me to distribute a Press Release for you that has already been written?
  8. Do you need me to write a blog post for you to publish elsewhere?
  9. Do you need me to design for you a simple WordPress website with up to 5 pages?
  10. Do you need me to write up to 5 pages of content for your general website?
  11. Do you need me to design your website logo and icon with two colours only?
  12. Do you need me to write a marketing plan for your business?

The onboarding form to be completed

IF the service you need is not listed below or you need any help completing the form, please email segilola@segilolasalami.co.uk with further details of your requirements.

Your Name (*)

Your Email (*)

Your Address (to be included in working agreement) (*)


Please answer the questions below as fully as you can to help me meet your needs. Your answers should be based on the service you just paid for

1 - Do you need me to write a post and publish it on my blog? If no, please go to section 2(*)

a - Title of the blog post you want me to write

b - Website link you want me to include in the blog post

c - Direct link to any image you want me to include in the blog post

d - Please confirm that you own the copyright to any images you want me to include in the blog post

e - Is there anything else I need to know about your blog post requirements?

2 - Do you need me to publish a post on my blog that you have written? If no, please go to section 3(*)

a - Title of the blog post you have written

b1 - Title of section one of the blog post you written eg Introduction

b2 - Content for section one of the blog post you written, max 300 words

b3 - Direct link to any image you want me to include in this section

b4 - Please confirm that you own the copyright to any images you want me to include in this section

c1 - Title of section two of the blog post you written

c2 - Content for section two of the blog post you written, max 300 words

c3 - Direct link to any image you want me to include in this section

c4 - Please confirm that you own the copyright to any images you want me to include in this section

d1 - Title of section three of the blog post you written

d2 - Content for section three of the blog post you written, max 300 words

d3 - Direct link to any image you want me to include in this section

d4 - Please confirm that you own the copyright to any images you want me to include in this section

e1 - Title of section four of the blog post you written

e2 - Content for section four of the blog post you written, max 300 words

e3 - Direct link to any image you want me to include in this section

e4 - Please confirm that you own the copyright to any images you want me to include in this section

3 - Do you need me to insert your website link to a post already published on my blog? If no, please go to section 4(*)

a - Link to your website that you want me to include in my blog post

b - Link to my blog post that you want to insert your website link in

4 - Do you need me to post a tweet you have written from my Twitter account @IyaYetunde1? If no, please go to section 5(*)

a1 - Tweet 1 that you want me to post from my Twitter account, max 280 characters including #AD

a2 - How many times do you want me to post Tweet 1 from my Twitter account?

b1 - Tweet 2 that you want me to post from my Twitter account, max 280 characters including #AD

b2 - How many times do you want me to post Tweet 2 from my Twitter account?

c1 - Tweet 3 that you want me to post from my Twitter account, max 280 characters including #AD

c2 - How many times do you want me to post Tweet 3 from my Twitter account?

d1 - Tweet 4 that you want me to post from my Twitter account, max 280 characters including #AD

d2 - How many times do you want me to post Tweet 4 from my Twitter account?

e1 - Tweet 5 that you want me to post from my Twitter account, max 280 characters including #AD

e2 - How many times do you want me to post Tweet 5 from my Twitter account?

Please make sure that the total number of times you want your tweets posted from my Twitter account tallies with the number of sponsored tweets you paid for

5 - Did you book the BONUS offer? If no, please go to section 6(*)

a1 - Direct link to any image you want me to post from my Pinterest account

a2 - Please confirm that you own the copyright to any images you want me to on Pinterest

b1 - Your BIO to be included in the show notes of the podcast episode you appear on. Max 3 paragraphs

b2 - Direct link to your picture that is high resolution, does not have any text or anyone else in it

6 - Do you need me to write a press release for you? If no, please go to section 7(*)

a - What is your NEWSWORTHY story? The more information you can provide, the better

b - What is the contact information to be included in the press release?

c - Is there anything else I need to know about the press release you need me to write?

7 - Do you need me to distribute a press release you have already written? If no, please go to section 8(*)

a - Please copy and paste your press release here

b - What is the title of your press release?

c - Please copy and paste the summary of your press release here, max 280 characters

d - What is your media contact information to be included in the press release?

e - Do you need UK press release distribution?

f - Do you need Associated Press (AP) press release distribution?

g - Do you need international press release distribution?

8 - Do you need me to write a general or lifestyle blog post that has been optimised for search engines for you to publish elsewhere? If no, please go to section 9(*)

a - Title of the blog post you want me to write

b - Website link you want me to include in the blog post

c - Is there anything else I need to know about your blog post requirements? The more information you provide the better

9 - Do you need me to design a simple website with up to 5 pages? If no, please go to section 10(*)

a - Has your domain name already been registered?

a1 - If yes, what is the link to your domain name?

a2 - If no, do you need me to register a new domain name for you? There is an extra charge for this

a3 - What domain name do you want me to register on your behalf?

b - Do you have an account with a website hosting company?(*)

b1 - If yes, what is the link to your website hosting company?

b2 - Login details to access your website host cpanel

c - If no, do you need 6 months free domain hosting? There is a yearly charge for this after the free period expires

d1 - Enter the details that you want published on the homepage

d11 - Direct link to any image you want me to post on the homepage

d2 - Enter the details that you want published on the ABOUT YOU page

d21 - Direct link to any image you want me to post on the ABOUT YOU page

d3 - Enter the details that you want published on the contact page

d31 - Direct link to any image you want me to post on the contact page

d4 - Enter the details that you want published on the page 4

d41 - Direct link to any image you want me to post on the page 4

d5 - Enter the details that you want published on the page 5

d51 - Direct link to any image you want me to post on the homepage

e - Is there anything else I need to know about your website design requirements? The more information you provide the better

10 - Do you need me to write up to 5 pages of content for your website? If no, please go to section 11(*)

a - Direct link to your website

a1 - Enter the details about page 1 that you want me to write including any keywords

a2 - Enter the details about page 2 that you want me to write including any keywords

a3 - Enter the details about page 3 that you want me to write including any keywords

a4 - Enter the details about page 4 that you want me to write including any keywords

a5 - Enter the details about page 5 that you want me to write including any keywords

b - Is there anything else I need to know about your website content requirements?

11 - Do you need me to design your website logo and icon with two colours only? If no, please go to section 12(*)

a1 - Colour code for colour 1

a2 - Colour code for colour 2

b - Description of your logo

c - Direct link to a website logo that looks similar to what you want your website logo to look like

d - Is there anything else you need me to know about your requirements?

12 - Do you need me to write a marketing plan for you?(*)

a - What is your marketing goal?

b - How many months do you want the marketing plan to cover?

c - Do you need me to implement the marketing plan?

d - What is your marketing budget per month?

e - Is there anything else you need me to know about your requirements?

Before submitting this form, please review your entries to make sure you are happy with all the information you have provided

I agree to the segilolasalami.co.uk Terms, Cookie and Privacy Policy.

I confirm that I have reviewed and I am happy with my entries before submitting this form(*)

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