Sunday Snippet: Yoga for Beginners: 60 Basic Yoga Poses for Flexibility, Stress Relief, and Inner Peace by Susan Neal

Today’s Sunday Snippet is from the Health, Mind and Body Reference book Yoga for Beginners: 60 Basic Yoga Poses for Flexibility, Stress Relief, and Inner Peace by Susan Neal. It is a 136 paged book published by Christian Yoga, LLC in 2016 and available as an Amazon Kindle ebook (ASIN: B01L9UIT70) and a paperback book (ISBN-13: 978-0997763638).

Chapter 4 from Yoga for Beginners: 60 Basic Yoga Poses for Flexibility, Stress Relief, and Inner Peace

blog post banner Sunday Snippet: Yoga for Beginners: 60 Basic Yoga Poses for Flexibility, Stress Relief, and Inner Peace by Susan NealHealth Benefits of Yoga

Many people today have a disconnection within their body, preventing it from working to its full potential. Stress, brain fog, muscle pain, and poor metabolism are just a few symptoms that result from this disconnection. Are you being held back from your full potential? Chronic disease and being overweight are typical for many people today, but that does not have to be the norm. Yoga will help your body function better, and you will become healthier!

Look at the benefits of performing yoga:

Enhances Muscles Tone, Definition, Strength, and Physical Fitness

Muscles become well-defined, and the additional strength helps to prevent injuries.

Increases Range of Motion in Joints

Seniors in my yoga class say that yoga prevents muscle and joint stiffness, and they rarely miss a class.

Prevents Cartilage and Joint Breakdown
The full range of motion performed during the poses supports joints.

Enhances Coordination and Improves Reaction Time

Muscles become stronger and leaner, and your balance, coordination, and even reaction time improve.

Increases Overall Flexibility
The flexibility of your spine improves your posture, which makes you look younger! It also keeps the spinal disks supple.

Relieves Muscle Pain and Tension

Stretching muscles, ligaments, and tendons reduces muscle pain and tension.

Eases Pain

Several medical studies have shown that yoga reduces back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other chronic conditions. One of my clients told me that she took less pain medicine for fibromyalgia the days she attended a yoga class.

Eases Stress, Tension, and Anxiety

Yoga creates inner peace, so perform yoga instead of taking anti-anxiety medication.

Improves Depression

Some studies have found yoga increases serotonin levels, which makes you feel happier!

Improves Memory

Focusing on the breath and the present moment, through meditation, enhances concentration, and memory.

Eases Migraines
Yoga has been found to help with migraines, so try yoga before medication.

Deepens Sleep

No more tossing and turning, just sound sleep.

Improves Lung Function

Usually one does not think about respiration, but during yoga class you do. In turn, this enhancement gives you more energy and vitality!

Improves Circulation
Exercise increases the heart rate, and this delivers more oxygen to the whole body.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Medical studies have proven that doing yoga decreases blood pressure.

Reduces Blood Sugar

Studies have shown diabetics’ blood sugar drop through the practice of yoga.

Reduces Bad Cholesterol (LDL) and Boosts Good Cholesterol (HDL)

Studies have demonstrated that the practice of yoga can decrease LDL and increase HDL.

Improves Metabolism

Have you ever thought your metabolism does not work as well as it should? Give it a jump start with yoga.

Relaxes the Body Systems
Focusing on deep breathing throughout the session increases blood flow to all internal organs which lowers breathing and heart rate.

Boosts Immunity

Many of the yoga postures stimulate the lymph system to drain toxins out of the body, which heightens immunity.
When you feel better about yourself, you will make healthier choices and begin reaching your ideal weight. In fact, most people think I am ten years younger than my actual age. I attribute that to practicing yoga for over 30 years. So look younger, feel better, and do yoga!

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