September 2, 2018

Do you need to reach an audience of over a million people? Appear as a guest on The Segilola Salami Show

Are you an author or do you sell other products or services? Are you looking to get booked on great podcasts to expand your reach and audience and ultimately increase sales of your products or services? Are you looking for podcasts accepting guests? When you appear as a guest on The Segilola Salami Show and work with Segilola Salami to promote your brand, you are certain to see a growth in your online presence, brand awareness and an increase in business leads. This consequently helps you grow your business.

If you’ve been on this page before, you can go straight to the podcast guest booking form to book a convenient date and time to record your podcast episode.


If this is your first time on this page, please read this podcast guest guide to the end. This would help you understand what The Segilola Salami Show offers and the type of podcast guests that are accepted on the show.

About The Segilola Salami Show podcast

The Segilola Salami Show is a once weekly podcast talk-show that started in February 2016 by author and blogger Segilola Salami, a few months after publishing her first children’s book. The aim of the talk-show is to be both entertaining and educative. At the end of each episode of the talk-show, listeners can expect to learn something new, be motivated or inspired.

During the podcast interview, the guests either share HOW the listeners can get from point A to point B based on their personal or professional experience.

For instance, a sleep consultant came on the show and shared how she struggled to get her child to sleep through the night as a first time parent and how this led to her becoming a sleep consultant. The sleep consultant also shared how parents listening to the show can get their own children to sleep through the night too. As she was not an author, she recommended a couple of books listeners of the show can refer to for further reading.

On another episode of the show, an author shared how she was able to write her book in 24 hours and the steps any aspiring authors listening to the show can take to write their own book in 24 hours too.

Thus, if you believe you can add value to The Segilola Salami Show, please read on as we would like you to be a guest on the show. This page details our podcast guest requirement. You do not need any guest booking services or booking agent to appear as a guest on The Segilola Salami Show.



The Segilola Salami Show has been running since 2016 to date and has seen year on year growth in the number of listeners the show has. As long as you focus on solving a problem a listener of the show may have and follow the guidelines provided by Segilola Salami, the listeners of The Segilola Salami Show are, more likely than not, going to be interested in what you have to say.

Remember, the aim of the show is to share how the listener can solve a problem they may have. This way, the listener would learn something new, be motivated or inspired by what you have to say. When you focus on what the listener would take away or benefit from after listening to you, you are very well on your way to becoming a great podcast guest.

You are welcome to read a case study published on LinkedIn by Segilola Salami where she shared screenshots of the results achieved for one podcast guest.



For effective Lead Generation, you HAVE to be committed to doing the work needed. There’s no magic wand! Segilola Salami guarantees that IF you follow her suggestions 100%, you will see an increase in engagement with your brand across different social media platforms and an increase in uptake of your lead magnet. This would consequently help you grow your business. Your lead magnet may be a freebie or a giveaway.

Segilola Salami offers this guarantee because she knows her processes work. It is these processes that have enabled her to work from home full time and still be able to provide for her family.


Segilola Salami follows a 4-step process:

1) To achieve success, you need to have a goal. Segilola Salami sets her goal by setting a SMART OBJECTIVE eg I want to sell 5 ebook copies of my latest children’s book within the first 30 days of publication. As a part of your marketing strategies, what specific goal do you want to achieve? Is this goal realistic?

2) Segilola Salami understands her audience when it comes to business leads and sales. It is IMPORTANT to define WHO you want to target, who is your ideal client. As a part of your marketing strategies, do you know who is likely to be interested in your lead magnet? How likely are they to be willing to pay for your service? Do you know where they are congregated?

a) There are buyers who are consumers eg adults who love books,

b) there are consumers who are not buyers eg children who love books, library users and

c) there are buyers who are not consumers eg parents who buy books for their children, libraries.

3) WHAT problem does your ideal client have? What solution do you have that is unique to you? WHY should you ideal client patronise you over your competitors? This is your UNIQUE SELLING POINT (USP)

4) Offer a LEAD magnet! This can either be a FREEBIE or a GIVEAWAY. A lead magnet is an effective way of introducing people to what you do and turning them into brand ambassadors. For instance, at the end of your episode where you shared how listeners can do something, you invite the listeners to download your guide on the subject matter via email. The key to a successful lead magnet is having a call to action. For example, if you were a sleep consultant, listeners can download a guide that you wrote to help them get their children to sleep through the night. At the end of the guide, you ask the reader to book a 1-to-1 coaching call with you if they need extra help.

That said, the effectiveness of your lead magnet is down to the quality of your product or service and how you present yourself online. People still judge a book by its cover. For instance, has your website copy been professionally written? Was your website professionally designed or does it look visually appealling? If you’re an author, has your book cover been professionally designed? Has your book itself been professionally edited? These things do influence whether someone patronises you or not.

If you need help in working on your brand identity and lead magnet, email to book a 1 hour consultation with her. You should send your email after paying the consultation fee of £165 via PayPal. Click here to make the payment now.

Click here to read Segilola Salami’s LinkedIn article 10 Things Podcast Guests Need To Understand To Help Them Get A Good Return On Investment.

For effective lead generation following your appearance on The Segilola Salami Show, you (the guest) also need to follow the 4 steps listed above initially. Giving you access to Segilola Salami’s network is the easy bit. The hard bit is ensuring that you would meet the needs of the listeners of the show. It is important you follow these steps, especially if your own online marketing efforts have not been as successful as you would like them.

That is why Segilola Salami only wants to interview those who are committed to doing the work necessary to ensure that the listeners of the show benefit from listening to the episode the guest appears on. This way, Segilola Salami can help the guests meet their own business goals.

It is important that you remember that a podcast show in itself is a podium to get your brand message across. It is not a sales channel. Everything else that happens before and after the show is what increases your chances of getting sales. Working with Segilola Salami can complement your existing marketing strategies or marketing campaigns. If you do not have any existing marketing strategies or marketing campaigns, you can include the work Segilola Salami would do for you in your marketing plan.

You can check out the testimonials by previous guests on the show.



As at January 2021 this website’s RSS feed had just under 2 million subscribers.

On social media, Segilola Salami has over 150,000 impressions monthly.

Please check out Segilola Salami’s LinkedIn case study to see the stats from previous years.

Also watch this article that was shared on LinkedIn by Gary Vaynerchuk.

Booking fees are as follows:

1) Podcast interview, giveaway or freebie promo, website SWOT analysis and 3-month internet marketing service £1350

Marketing as per Option 4 below but tweets sent over a 3 month period and Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram posts posted once a month

2) Podcast interview, giveaway or freebie promo and 3-month internet marketing service £950

Marketing as per Option 4 below but tweets sent over a 3 month period and Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram posts posted once a month

3) Podcast interview, giveaway or freebie promo, website SWOT analysis and 1-month internet marketing service £475

Marketing as per Option 4 below

4) Podcast interview, giveaway or freebie promo and 1-month internet marketing service £350

You can expect:

  • 1 tweet posted on Twitter once a day for 30 days about your podcast episode
  • 1 tweet posted on Twitter once a day for 30 days about your giveaway
  • 1 tweet posted on Twitter once a day for 30 days about your product or service
  • 1 post only on Facebook about your podcast episode
  • 1 post only on Facebook about your giveaway
  • 1 post only on Facebook about your product or service
  • 1 post only on Pinterest about your podcast episode
  • 1 post only on Pinterest about your giveaway
  • 1 post only on Pinterest about your product or service
  • post only on Instagram about your podcast episode
  • 1 post only on Instagram about your giveaway
  • 1 post only on Instagram about your product or service
  • 3 dedicated emails sent to my blog subscribers
  • Your episode included in one of my weekly round up emails to my blog subscribers
  • Automatic distribution via my RSS feed to my 2 million subscribers

5) Podcast interview and 1-month internet marketing service £250

You can expect:

  • 1 tweet posted on Twitter once a day for 30 days about your podcast episode
  • 1 post only on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram
  • Your episode included in my weekly round up email
  • Automatic distribution via my RSS feed to my 2 million subscribers

6) Podcast interview ONLY £90

7) In-studio recording ONLY £850

8) In-studio recording and 1-month internet marketing service £1000

Marketing as per Option 5 above

Segilola Salami’s internet marketing service includes social media marketing and email marketing. Thus, you can look at working with Segilola Salami as a form of influencer marketing and a part of your marketing team.

Hold up, hold up, I know you may be saying to yourself that there are lots of free to appear as a guest podcasts out there, so why do you need to pay to appear as a guest on The Segilola Salami Show. Here are some things I would like you to bear in mind. Most podcast shows accept advertisements to help towards their running costs. When a company advertises on a podcast show, it is doing so because it wants to increase awareness of its brand. The podcaster is, at the very least, slightly more loyal to the advertiser than to the guest because the advertiser brings in the revenue that sustains the podcast show. The listener’s attention is divided between the guest and the talk-show’s sponsor. The podcaster hopes that the listeners would patronise the advertiser so that the advertiser would continue to sponsor their show. Do you get where I’m driving at?

Now, on The Segilola Salami Show, no adverts are played routinely on each episode of the show. There’s no break in transmission for the show’s sponsor to get in their ad. Listeners of The Segilola Salami Show are focused entirely on the guest, nothing is distracting their attention from the guest. Segilola Salami’s attention, as the host and producer of The Segilola Salami Show, is also focused exclusively on her guests, to ensure that she gives them the best service possible.

If you see the value in appearing as  guest on a podcast show where you are the sole focus of the listeners, if you want to appear on a show where the host of the show is focused on ensuring you get a return on your investment, then The Segilola Salami Show should be the first podcast show you consider. Simply go straight to the show’s podcast guest booking form to book a convenient date and time to record your episode.

book now to appear as a guest on the segilola salami show podcast


As an added benefit, all guests on The Segilola Salami Show can submit an accompanying article for Segilola Salami to consider publishing on her blog for FREE that offers customer value. This helps people to find great online content via their normal organic search:

If you are a fiction author, you can submit a character interview here // Click here to read an interview of a book’s character published on my blog.

If you are a fiction or non-fiction author, you can submit one chapter of your book here // Click here to read a free book chapter published on my blog.

If you are an not an author, you can submit a guest post here. // Click here to read a guest post published on my blog.


Are you ready to access Segilola Salami’s network with over a million people? Go straight to the podcast guest booking form.

book now to appear as a guest on the segilola salami show podcast


Is The Segilola Salami Show the right podcast talk-show for you?

Now that you’ve decided that you are an ideal guest for The Segilola Salami Show, is The Segilola Salami Show the ideal podcast talk-show for you? Have you listened to at least one episode of The Segilola Salami Show? Does the format of the show meet your needs?

If you have listened to at least one episode of the show, you like the format of the show and you are sure the show meets your needs, you can now book a convenient date and time to appear on the show via the calendar below.

If you have not yet listened to the show, please click here to review the different options available to listen to The Segilola Salami Show.

If you know anyone who would be a great podcast guest that is seeking podcasts looking for guests or talk-shows accepting guests, please recommend The Segilola Salami Show to them.


Important details before you book a slot to appear as a guest on The Segilola Salami Show

The Segilola Salami Show is a pre-recorded podcast show that is currently recorded every Saturday from 11am London, UK time. Click here to convert UK time to your local time. The date your episode is recorded is not the date that it is aired.

You can record your episode on The Segilola Salami Show podcast remotely via Zoom or in person at HEKSPACE STUDIOS LONDON. The studio address is:
2nd Floor
33 Pepper Street
E14 9RP

The In-studio recording of The Segilola Salami Show will be directed by Niyi Towolawi, a British Filmmaker.

In the booking form please choose In-studio recording if you want to record your episode at Hekspace studios in London, UK.

The added benefits of a video podcast are that:
– it creates variety in your marketing, can increase engagement with your brand and keep people interested.

– you can do a live recording. It’s easy to start streaming on most major platforms. Plus, people like live podcasts. It creates a sense of inclusivity because your audience gets to engage with you in the moment.

To become a talk-show guest, book your slot by clicking on the date of your choice and time in the calendar below then complete the podcast guest booking form as fully as you can.

Immediately after booking your slot, you will receive an email confirmation of your booking. It would include with further info on things you can do before the interview to help you get the best out of appearing on The Segilola Salami Show. If you have not received the email confirmation, please check your spam folder.

The Zoom app is an easy to use call recorder. You do not need to dress up or wear make for the interview as it is an audio recording with no video content. To ensure the recording has good audio quality, it is recommended that you consider using plugin microphones and speakers.

If you have any questions on how to record your episode or encounter any problems using this podcast booking page, please click here to send Segilola Salami an email.



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PODCAST GUEST WAIVER: By appearing as a guest on The Segilola Salami Show, you acknowledge that the show remains the property of Segilola Salami. You give consent for all information and material you provide to be used as per the show’s needs ie you (a guest on The Segilola Salami Show) agree to transfer all copyright and publicity right PROTECTION to Segilola Salami (and anyone who works with her) and give her the right to use the content however way she needs in future for the purpose of promoting the show and you/your brand. Please click here to read Segilola Salami’s website terms and privacy policy.

would you like to appear as a guest on The Segilola Salami Show podcast set in a virtual cafe


Cancellation policy

If something comes up and you need to reschedule your appointment, you need to inform Segilola Salami and give at least 5 days notice to do so. Any reschedule date and time offered to you will be as per Segilola Salami’s availability. If the dates offered to you are not convenient, you will need to re-book a convenient date and time via this page.

If an emergency comes up and you can’t make your scheduled appointment, please get in touch with Segilola Salami as soon as you know. If less than 5 days notice is given, the opportunity to reschedule is totally at Segilola Salami’s discretion and not an automatic right. Any reschedule date and time offered to you will be as per Segilola Salami’s availability. If the dates offered to you are not convenient, you will need to re-book a convenient date and time via this page.

Should you decide after booking your slot that you simply do not want to appear as a guest on The Segilola Salami Show, please inform Segilola Salami as soon as you can. However, no refunds are issued under any circumstances.

If you simply do not show up for your appointment and do not inform Segilola Salami up to 48 hours after your booked slot, you will not be offered another date to reschedule. You will lose your booking fee and would have to re-book another date and time via this page.

If you are offered a FREE slot to reschedule and you miss it or that date is no longer suitable for you, a third slot will not be offered. You will need to rebook a new date via the booking page.

The terms in this page can be updated at any time and without notice.

You can read our Privacy Policy by clicking here.